You may be asked for its last four digits: Abbr.Until June 25, 2011, its first three digits had geographical significance: Abbr.Nine digits used as a personal identification: Abbr.String sought by those going phishing?: Abbr.was issued the first one (FWIW it was 055-09-0001) Identification that John David Sweeney, Jr.ID with nine digits and two hyphens: Abbr.ID whose last 4 digits are used more often than the other 5.ID issued by the Federated States of Micronesia.ID gradually being omitted from Medicare cards.ID assigned to over 453 million people so far.Its first three digits once depended on the assignee's loc.Its first three digits are the area number: Abbr.Hunting permit application datum: Abbr.Digits used for employee identification: Abbr.It never starts with an 8 or a 9: Abbr.Figure kept in the head, usually: Abbr.Datum sought by identity thieves: Abbr.457-55-5462, for LifeLock CEO Todd Davis.078-05-1120, on a Woolworth's sample wallet insert: Abbr.Possibly related crossword clues for " Personal datum: Abbr."īased on the answers listed above, we also found some clues that are possibly similar or related to Personal datum: Abbr.: Matching Crossword Puzzle Answers for "Personal datum: Abbr."īelow is the complete list of answers we found in our database for Personal datum: Abbr.: If you are stuck trying to answer the crossword clue " Personal datum: Abbr.", and really can't figure it out, then take a look at the answers below to see if they fit the puzzle you're working on. We found 1 answers for this crossword clue. Here are all of the places we know of that have used Apt.If you're looking for all of the crossword answers for the clue " Personal datum: Abbr." then you're in the right place. application datum" have been used in the past. We track a lot of different crossword puzzle providers to see where clues like " Apt. application datum"īased on the answers listed above, we also found some clues that are possibly similar or related to Apt. Possibly related crossword clues for " Apt. application datum"īelow is the complete list of answers we found in our database for Apt. Matching Crossword Puzzle Answers for "Apt. application datum", and really can't figure it out, then take a look at the answers below to see if they fit the puzzle you're working on. If you are stuck trying to answer the crossword clue " Apt. application datum" then you're in the right place.

If you're looking for all of the crossword answers for the clue " Apt.